Topic: flaking out today?

My chumby one has off and on refused to boot or connect or the display goes back to the default clock.

What gives?

On a related note, when it did come up IHEARTRADIO was NO LONGER THERE.

What gives?

Too bad there isn't an UP TO DATE place you can check if is having "issues" in realtime.  Even the website was difficult to reach today at times.

Re: flaking out today?

Yes, we are experiencing server issues today.  The system admins are working to get everything ironed out. 

I agree to have a realtime status update is a good idea.  We will keep it in mind.

Re: flaking out today?

Thank you for responding.  I noticed you have a Twitter account which I am going to follow (but that did not mention any general server issues at the time except in reply to one twitterer).  It might be good to use Twitter for general status updates, which would be very helpful.  With a "cloud" type device, we are very at the mercy of the central server site!

All seems well this evening.

Re: flaking out today?

No problem.  We'll look into the whole status updates in the future.  Have a good one.

Re: flaking out today?

All of my Chumbys except for the Dash have been flaking out since Monday afternoon.

Re: flaking out today?

We had a server die a rather disruptive death today, and it's apparently been causing some weird behavior for a couple of days.

We're in the process of replacing it.  There may be a couple of brief outages through the rest of the day.

Re: flaking out today?

I highly but gently suggest Amazon Web Services.  For the money, it's just an amazing service for high-availability cloud computing.

Thanks for the update.  My Chumbys woke up today after pulling the plug just fine.

Re: flaking out today?

We have contractual issue with certain partners that prohibit us from using cloud computing for anything associated with personal data, including user accounts.

The widgets themselves (which don't contain personal data) are already served from Amazon S3.

Re: flaking out today?

Yeah, there was some maintenance still going on through Friday evening.