Topic: Most effective way to manage Chumby files remotely...

Hello Chumbians!

What would be the best setup / tools to use to remotely manage the Chumby's file from my development machine?

(While I can do everything through a shell and via NFS, ftp or even wget & tar, the process is slow and cumbersome...)

What I'm trying to do... through either Windows or my Linux dev machine is:
- View / Manage / Edit *all* of the Chumby's files (e.g. from root on down)
- Upload file trees from my machine or download from the Chumby. (hopefully including working simlinks)

I've read the post at and sftp and scp do not appear functional at this time... I would love to use a good client such as winscp or its equivalent in the Linux world...

Surely tons of people here need to do the same thing...  what do the experts consider 'best practice'?



Re: Most effective way to manage Chumby files remotely...

scp works just fine.  That's what we use internally.

Re: Most effective way to manage Chumby files remotely...

Hi Duane, thanks for your answer.

Is that just through shell command from your development machine, or do you guys use more sophisticated tools possibly involving a gui?

Could you specify the command I need to run on my chumby so I can properly scp into it?

Also please specify the tool your recommend to use on the development machine, as well as how you invoke it...



Re: Most effective way to manage Chumby files remotely...

We typically use command line tools.

You need to launch sshd on the device - instructions are here.

On Mac and Linux, we use the built-in ssh/scp client commands, on Windows, we typically use PuTTY.

WinSCP may also work - I haven't tried it myself.

Re: Most effective way to manage Chumby files remotely...

Hi Duane,

WinSCP does work great with vanilla Chumby, and is a very slick & powerful way to manage Chumby files and even synchronized them.

It's a shame that there is no WinSCP equivalent in the Linux world that doesn't require SFTP server to run on the Chumby.  So far I've spent several hours trying tools like gFTP, FileZilla, and getting sshfs working with no results.

If someone gets sshfs working for Chumby please let me know!


Re: Most effective way to manage Chumby files remotely...

There are also ways to have a GUI file manager in Linux on top of SSH and SCP.  SecPanel lets me make an SSH connection but I have yet to get the parameters for SCP file exchange right (I'll post back when I figure it out).  Krusader supports SSH.  SCP support requires a plugin [ sudo apt-get install kdebase-kio-plugins ], but it appears depricated in current distros (at least Mint 8).  However, you can also make a connection using the fish {Files transfered over SHell} protocol, click "New Net Connection" in the toolbar, select fish: and enter the server information as you would for SSH.  In the left pane address bar you will see fish://root@My.Chumby.IP.Address/.  If, for instance you want to access a storage device plugged into the first USB port, add the path to the address bar, i.e.  fish://root@My.Chumby.IP.Address/mnt/usb/ .  Consult you documentation for the paths to other device ports (CF and SD cards, etc).