1 (edited by stein 2011-03-07 15:20:25)

Topic: debugchumby in USB auto deleted

I want to start my stream just after startup, so I created a file debugchumby in USB stick as:

btplay chopin.mp3

and then type reboot, no playing. I SSH into /mnt/usb, no files found! only two . & .. directories date to 1970. I did check the file after VI editting.

Also I tried the webserver instruction :
http://wiki.chumby.com/mediawiki/index. … web_server

same! all files and debugchumby are gone.

Is there any command in device file system automatically erase all files in USB during start? also I tried reset button, the same result.
BTW: My device is Chumby Classic, 
HW: 3.7
SW: 1.7.2
FW: 1830
HW#: CC07C06520

Control panel ver: 2.8.47

Just want to start my music at startup. Any advice appreciate!

_____________ Summary as suggested by replies below_____________

1. use "sync " to write back to usb physically
2. Not playing my Inet music was due to false name: "debugchmuby", should be debugchumby
3. So file in USB should be:

btplay http://my.link.url:8000/music

4. The music should be heard during the bar flashing/loading (of control panel)
5. For such debugging, better always open ssh, i.e.
touch /psp/start_sshd

More details check:
- http://wiki.chumby.com/mediawiki/index. … mby_tricks
- http://wiki.ladyada.net/chumbyhackerboard/audio

Re: debugchumby in USB auto deleted

No, but it's possible that the files didn't get written to the actual device before the reboot.

If you're about to reboot after modifying something on a USB stick (or even /psp), you should use the "sync" command to make sure the data has actually been flushed to the physical media.

3 (edited by Materdaddy 2011-02-27 19:02:07)

Re: debugchumby in USB auto deleted

You're supposed to run sync 3 times! big_smile

Linux Guy - Occasional Chumby Hacker