1 (edited by clay_shooter 2011-01-10 17:13:59)

Topic: pwm directly from the Infocast 8"?

Are the PWM on the Marvell processors accessible? 

The armada_16x software manual (http://www.marvell.com/products/process … manual.pdf) says there are 4 PWM ports on the 168 CPU.  They are shared with PRI_TDI, PRI_TMS,, PRI_TDK, PRI_TMO, or UART functions or a half dozen other things based on the strapping. Is it like the 3.5" where the uart pins can be used as PWM?

Section 29.5 describes the registers but I'm not sure how that maps to regutil

Memory Addresses
0xD401_A000 PWM1
0xD401_A400 PWM2
0xD401_A800 PWM3
0xD401_AC00 PWM4

The clocks look to be different than the 3.5 Infocast 24Mhz
PWM1 0x0 = 13 MHz
           0x1 = 32.768 kHz
PWM2 0x0 = 13 MHz
           0x1 = 32.768 kHz
PWM3 0x0 = 13 MHz
           0x1 = 32.768 kHz
PWM4 0x0 = 13 MHz
           0x1 = 32.768 kHz

Re: pwm directly from the Infocast 8"?

Does anyone know if pwm is available on on any silvermoon device?