Topic: automatic eth0 dhcp upon boot for Chumby One (not debugchumby method)

I have a USB ethernet device that I know works with my Chumby One.

I can obtain an IP address from my router by logging into my chumby in an ssh session and using /sbin/udhcpc  .

I have read about having this happen at boot by using a USB thumdrive and including this command in a debugchumby script.  The idea is to boot up with the USB thumbdrive inserted into the chumby's USB port.

What I really need is a method to have /sbin/udhcpc executed during the boot up process without using the debugchumby method.  Any ideas?


Re: automatic eth0 dhcp upon boot for Chumby One (not debugchumby method)

Try creating a file /psp/network_config that looks like:

<configuration type="lan" allocation="dhcp" />

Re: automatic eth0 dhcp upon boot for Chumby One (not debugchumby method)

I tried modifying the existing file /psp/network_config (after remounting the file system as read/write) by entering <configuration type="lan" allocation="dhcp" /> (it previously had an entry for my wireless interface). 

After checking /psp/network_config again to make sure that was the only line written to it, I remounted the filesystem for read-only and logged out of the ssh session.

After rebooting, I logged back in through an ssh session (it set up a wireless connection during bootup) and found that an IP address had not been obtained for eth0.  Also I found that /psp/network_config had been overwritten with the wireless interface setup.

Why does the network_config file get overwritten with the old information upon reboot?  Any other ideas as to how I can get this to work?

Thanks for your help.

Re: automatic eth0 dhcp upon boot for Chumby One (not debugchumby method)

ChumbyLuker's recommendation did work on a Chumby One bought recently that did not have any changes made to it.   All I had to do was modify the /psp/network-config file as suggested and it obtained an IP address from the router using dhcp when it rebooted (powered up).

A possible reason why it did not work on my Chumby One (I bought it about 9 months ago) is because I replaced the original busybox with a modified one (v1.15.3).

Thanks for your help!