Topic: Updated ChumbyWiki - Using existing chumby widgets - Google Calendar

I just added a section to this Wiki page discussing the Google Calendar widget.  Hope others find it helpful.  It is based upon my playing around with this widget over the past couple of days.

If anyone is interested in my (admittedly very simple) PHP proxy for Google Calendar implementing the pass-thru discussed on the page, reply to this comment and I will post it.


2 (edited by luckystar 2007-01-22 02:16:10)

Re: Updated ChumbyWiki - Using existing chumby widgets - Google Calendar

I'm glad to hava a google calendar proxy to use from flash with remoting...can you post code?

Re: Updated ChumbyWiki - Using existing chumby widgets - Google Calendar

Sorry for the delay in posting this.  Haven't been following the boards for the last month or so.  Here is the code:


$gcal_url = "[insert your private calendar URL here]/basic?start-min=";
$gcal_url .= date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s");
$gcal_url .= '&start-max='.date("Y-m-t\TH:i:s");
$gcal_url .= "&orderby=starttime&singleevents=true";

$gcal_res = file($gcal_url);

foreach ($gcal_res as $line) {
        echo $line;

Insert the URL for your private Google calendar in the space noted above.  All you then need to do is insert the URL for this script in the Google Widget config rather than the Google URL.

Let me know if you have any problems with it.