Topic: Lost all alarms
I woke up this morning and my alarm had not gone off. When I looked at Chumby, it says "off" on the bottom and was still in night mode. When I looked at my alarms, they were all gone.
Last night I had gone in and put in the night script referenced at (script from second page and used a wget
I added a crontab entry so my crontab looks like this:
chumby:~# vi /psp/crontabs/root
0 3 * * * /usr/chumby/scripts/
* * * * * /usr/chumby/scripts/flashplayer_watchdog
*/10 22-24 * * * /psp/scripts/goodnight_chumby
My widgets are all there and was able to put in two custom alarms. By the way, even the regular alarm was reset to midnight, the last time I used it, I think it was at 8:00 am or sometime around that.
I am running beta control panel 2.7.16
I was able to go in and put in new alarms with no problem.