Topic: ActionScript 3.0, Flex 3 SDK, free Adobe command-line compiler (mxmlc)

I poked around for a bit and found a book that I liked called "Foundation ActionScript 3.0 Animation - Making Things Move!" by Keith Peters ($40).

Page 23 talks about "Using the free command-line compiler" from Adobe.  It (MXMLC) works on Linux (and Windows).

I went to "Adobe Open Source" at … oad+Flex+3
and downloaded the free "Flex 3 SDK" from the "Stable Builds" Build

I keyed in

package {
     import flash.display.Sprite;
     import flash.text.TextField;

     public class HelloWorld extends Sprite {

         public function HelloWorld() {
             var display_txt:TextField = new TextField();
             display_txt.text = "Hello World!";

I compiled it using mxmlc from the "Flex 3 SDK" on my Kubuntu 8.04 Linux system and ran it using "Firefox" with Adobe Flash.

It worked as expected.

I then copied the HelloWorld.swf file to a thumb drive and inserted it into my Chumby.

I started SSHD on my Chumby and
$ ssh -l root
on my Kubuntu 8.04 computer.

I then changed to my thumb drive on the Chumby:
chumby:~# cd /mnt/usb
chumby:/mnt/usb# ls

I then ran the following from Actionscript From ChumbyWiki:

chumby:/mnt/usb# chumbyflashplayer.x -i HelloWorld.swf
Adobe FlashLite 3.0.4 Release (Version 8,1,55,0)- Chumby Industries (version 7 build 6-565 [GCC 4.1.2   Microcross GNU X-Tools(tm)])
Features: Video ALSA DMA ARM-optimizations
Build time: Thu 06Mar2008 1339
2008-05-16 15:50:10 cfgFile /psp/flashplayer.cfg not found
2008-05-16 15:50:10 ExclusivePid(): existing flashplayer is running with pid 1967 and -z not specified - cannot continue

What does this mean?  What didn't I do?

Re: ActionScript 3.0, Flex 3 SDK, free Adobe command-line compiler (mxmlc)

Well, for one thing, the Flex 3 SDK standalone compiler only creates Flash 9 movies, which won't work on the chumby, which runs Flash Lite 3 and thus only handles movies up to Flash 8.  I recommend you use Actionscript 2 with MTASC instead.

The other thing you need to do is shut down the Flash player already running on the chumby, using the command "stop_control_panel".