Topic: Installing Background Process

I was wandering how do I install a background process that would launch when chumby starts (service)?

Which directory should it be located at? I was able to find a mount point that was on flash memory but is there a "right" place for it?
What service mechanism should I use? I would probably want my process to activate only after chumby has finished initializing the network and its internal processes...

Yuval Perlov

Re: Installing Background Process

At the heart of Chumby is Linux.  You could:
o create a shell script that runs as part of /etc/init.d., or
o add your commands to /etc/rc.local or
o I'm not sure if this version of cron supports the @reboot special string, but it's worth investigating.

Just be aware that if the firmware changes, you may have to add back your stuff.


Re: Installing Background Process

Isn't there a place to install a "firmware-update-resistent" process? A directory that doesn't get deleted on upgrade?

I think the basic question is if adding a process is a supported action.