Topic: Problem since update

Updated to 1.5 today. Since then, the timing of my widgets has gone completely crazy!
Widgets appear, then disappear after just a second, then they come back, disappear again and that just carry's on.. its mad! The only thing that will stay on the screen is the control panel and its sub-menus.
I've turned off and on. Turned off and waited two hours before restarting and even tried the beta control panel, but the problem persists.
Any ideas?

2 (edited by Beephlatt 2008-03-30 12:51:54)

Re: Problem since update

I should add.....
Everything seemed fine immediately after the update. It was a few hours after that the problem started.
The widgets alternate with the control pannel roughly every second. I have checked the settings on my online dashboard and nothing has changed there.
Also, I wrote earlier that the control panel will stay on screen and that is wrong. It is only the sub-menus that remain onscreen. When I go back to the control panel the alternating thing starts again!

Re: Problem since update

It sounds like your top button is stuck.

Re: Problem since update

Thanks for that Duane.
Mechanically, the top button seems to be working exactly as it always has. It moves freely and I can hear a faint clicking as I press it. The screens go on alternating though despite my wriggling the switch in all possible ways!
Could it be a loose connection internally?
Is that easy to get at or should I return my new little friend?

Re: Problem since update

Please contact Customer Support - they'll help you out.

Re: Problem since update

Solved, in a wonderfully tactile chumbyesque sort of way!
In increasing frustration, I gave the thing an extremely firm squeeze, it hiccupped (it gave a loud click) the screen flickered, and then it all settled down to normal again.
He he!

Re: Problem since update


Re: Problem since update

This story isn't finished yet unfortunately....
The problem returned after a few days. I got in touch with customer support as Duane suggested, and they gave me a plan of action. It started with resetting the machine to the factory defaults (made no difference), and continued with re-installing the new software from a USB  memory card. This was successful, for a couple of days.
The problem returned....
I reset my chumby to factory defaults again today and it seems ok at the moment...
I'm just keeping my fingers crossed now!