Topic: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

Hi all.

A new Twitter widget I wrote called 'Tweeter' is now up on widget labs . If anyone wants to test and offer feedback, I would appreciate it.

There are a few features to take note of:

- non authenticated users start off seeing the public timeline (customise the widget to authenticate with your username / pass)
- authenticated users start off seeing their friends timeline
- if you click on a user's status, you can then view that user's individual timeline


Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

Hi there - love the widget. However I'm getting rate limited by the twitter servers because of it. Apparently the widget exceeds the number of request per hour that they are willing to accept. Can you rate limit within your widget, instead of me changing how long it's displayed / adding more widgets to my channel?

wohali@EFNet or freenode

Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter


Glad you like it.

This is my understanding of the rate limiting put in place by Twitter - "Clients are allowed 70 requests per 60 sixty minute time period, starting from their first request.  This is enough to make just over one request per minute, per hour, which should meet the needs of most applications.  Rate limiting applies only to authenticated API requests; requests for the public timeline do not count"

So is your widget getting loaded more than once a minute ?

I only make 1 call on load either to the public timeline or friends timeline based on authentication status (this will get 20 statuses in 1 call). I also make a separate call if you click on a user staus to get the userstimeline (also up to 20 statuses). When you click back from a user's timeline, I use the same 20 statuses from the inital load, so there shouldn't be any more server calls there....

I am happy to make modifications if required, but I need to know a bit more about how you are using the widget. If you really did want in widget limiting, would you disallow a user to make a server call if they were going to go over the 1 call a minute limit (for say a 5 min period), but had not yet gone over the full 70 calls per hour. I am open to suggestions on how to limit without being annoying or restrictive.


Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

Yes, it's getting loaded more than once a minute...I have about 10 widgets being cycled all fairly quickly, which I guess is triggering things. THe error is coming up without me clicking at all, just sitting and watching the widget itself.

I'm configured with my login and password to get my timeline.

I haven't started looking at the widget framework in detail, but unless there's a way to count calls-per-hour inbetween cycling to other widgets, the easiest thing I can do is up the display time for this widget (and my others) such that it's not called more than once a minute.

I'll have to try this and tell you how it goes. Stay tuned.

wohali@EFNet or freenode

Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

Hey There- I *love* the widget, and especially love the birdie animations on it! The typography on it though, is very difficult to read, and could be way improved. I could mock something up and post it in a coupla days if'n you'd want suggestions... tho otherwise, it's text stuff is my only criticism. Second to the legibility, mine renders spaces and commas with markup... which also compromises legibility. big_smile

Very fun, and very cute (as Chumby and Twitter both all about!).

Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter


Cool. Thanks.

Typography -  The original idea was that since Twitter is referred to as the "telegraph of the internet" that I wanted to use something which reflected that old typed feeling. So The font used is a mono-spaced serifed font like an old typewriter etc. Send me your suggestions anyhow (I'm always happy to have a look).

Rendering - I am not sure if I can fix this (easily), as I have tried both plain text and html text options in flash (textfield), and it didn't change the way anything appeared. I think it is the way the text is returned from the Twitter API calls which is breaking the rendering.

Just so I am clear with what you are saying - you are saying that certain characters come through escaped ( e.g quote marks come through as " etc) ? I could do a search and replace on bad chars which are not getting rendered properly. I'll investigate further. Screenshots are good (from your virtual chumby smile

Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

As an aside, if you want to do a screen capture on the chumby itself, you can SSH into the device, then do:

# imgtool --mode=cap --fb=0 /tmp/capture.jpg

This will capture the image of the current widget.  This is useful if you're getting different appearances on the chumby than on the Virtual Chumby. Of course, you can capture directly to a USB dongle as well.

To capture a Control Panel image, you need to set --fb=1.

For more on imgtool, do:

# imgtool -h

Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

Cheers Duane. I'll make sure to note this down for future widget dev.

9 (edited by ninavizz 2007-12-19 02:08:40)

Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

misterhee wrote:


Just so I am clear with what you are saying - you are saying that certain characters come through escaped ( e.g quote marks come through as " etc) ?

Correct. I'll work on doin' some screengrabs thru Virtual Chumby, and will post them here.

Yeah... the "issue" with monospaced fonts, is that they're just not legible. hmm

The aesthetic of old typewriters and telegraph machines really involves more of a Courier font, and also involves a lot of "random" irregularities programmed into the font, to present the illusion of keys not being depressed all the way, ink not rolling onto the letters fully, etc. This of course isn't at all legible, either. big_smile

The primary aesthetic of the Tweeter screen, imho, is the adorable little "peekaboo!" birdie shouting the message-bubble. To me, that captures everything about Twitter, beautifully, and without compromise to performance or legibility. The monospaced font looks almost like the app didn't load fully, and is having font-rendering issues... tho more relevant, it's just plain hard to read. Looking at a Twitter page in my browser, I can easily scan up and down the page, no problem... and it takes me at least 3x as long to read each message on Tweeter, as it does on Twitter.

In a small footprint like Chumby's screen provides, you really have to strike a very careful balance between "expressive" aesthetics, and thoughtfully executed functional bits that have to be discoverable, functional (if a control), and legible. If just the right few things are done expressively, with everything else just focussing on doing the job at hand as efficiently as possible, the user's focus all goes to the one key bit of expressed playfulness... the use of the api is seamlessly cognitively-absorbed, and everyone is happy.

Anyhoo- just additional clarification. I'll shut the hell up, and produce some mocks to put my pixels where my mouth is, before jabbering design blather any further... smile

Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

I'm loving this widget! smile

Just a little suggestion: It would be great if I can manually scroll through the Tweets, both at my own timeline as with a friend's timeline. Two little arrows would do the trick..

Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

I'll have a look at the next / previous controls - I think it is a good idea. I was/am unsure how many people actually interacted with their Chumby regularly once they choose their desired widgets and customised them.

I need to do some fixes to some text rendering (some quotes and things coming through escaped as discussed in previous posts)

I'll make a note in the description when I make these changes.


Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

@ninavizz: I disagree. The monospaced font looks great to me - reminds me of IRC or other monospaced chat windows. But perhaps an option to select proportional vs. monospaced in the configurator might be helpful?

@misterhee: I still occasionally get the red screen, but now it's more often a timeout error. Since adding more widgets to the channel I don't get the "max hits" error anymore. 

Also, I'm programming a widget and am having trouble embedded fonts - see my post on the Widgets forum. Can you offer any assistance?

wohali@EFNet or freenode

Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

@wohali - I'm still trying to find some time to add the desired functionality as discussed above.

Timeout errors - I think I have the timeout set pretty high (30 sec from memory), so I don;t know if I can do much about that, but glad you aren;t getting the max hots errors any more. UNfortunately that is set by Twitter, and you have to write to them for a special case exception if you want more requests per minute.

Embedded fonts - I replied on your other post. I think Duane already pointed you in the right direction though....


Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter

I love the idea of a twitter widget, but I am unable to get it to connect.  I have tried it with the username blank for the public timeline, and also with my login information entered.  Both end up with "An error occured: a timeout error occurred."

Any suggestions?

Re: New Twitter Widget on labs - Tweeter


I have received a few timeout errors myself recently. I am using a 3rd party Flash based API to gain access to the Twitter servers, so either their server was down, or the Twitter API access was broken temporarily. Unfortunately, I do not control these services directly, so I am at their mercy as much as other users.

Basically, you have not done anything wrong, and it should work again shortly without you needing to do anything.

I just checked my virtual Chumby, and the public timeline is loading just fine. You can try it here yourself.

Also - I will be posting an update to the widget shortly which will format the HTML entities (already written), and add prev / next buttons (partially written), as discussed above.
