Topic: 9v battery--what does it do?

Hi.  I've read several of the threads regarding battery power and why an integrated rechargable battery pre-installed in Chumby isn't likely to happen anytime real soon.  My question pertains to the current configuration, using a standard non-recharable 9 volt battery.  I haven't been able to figure out what exactly having a 9v installed in Chumby is supposed to do as far as added functionality.  Is it there purely to retain the alarm settings in case of a brief power outage?  I'm just wondering if mine is working the way it's supposed to.  I installed a fresh 9v in Chumby right out of the box/bag.  I thought this would give me enough juice to at least move the unit from outlet to outlet without having to power down.  To my surprise, as soon as I yanked the plug from the wall, the screen went black and didn't come back on until I'd carried it across the house and plugged into another outlet.  Then I had to go through the network config again and everything.  I really want to be able to move Chumby from room to room, at least once per day if not more often.  I am happy enough for now using the AC adapter (although I'm reading with interest about some of the rechargable battery options mentioned in this forum), however, shouldn't the 9v at least be able to keep it alive for 30 seconds while I move it to a different outlet?  Is the thing supposed to die (or is this an ultra low-power consumption mode?) as soon as I pull the plug even with a fresh battery installed?  If so, is there a hack to get around this?  I don't use it as an alarm clock so I'm not concerned about having it retain alarm settings for as long as possible if power is lost.  I just want to move it from the kitchen to the living room without turning it off!

Love my Chumby (Cocoaland). Thanks for any help or suggestions.

Re: 9v battery--what does it do?

My Chumby has a sticker with wording to the effect of "The 9V battery is not supported" on it.  So, I wouldn't expect it to do anything at all...

However, were it supported, the more typical behavior would be for the device to maintain volatile settings, not to operate fully off of the battery.

Re: 9v battery--what does it do?

Oh, really?  Hmm.  My Chumby didn't come with a sticker like that... in fact, the battery wasn't mentioned anywere in the documentation.  It's just one of those inate drives. you know--to fill open connectors with things that fit wink so I stuck one in right away. 

I got my Chumby on March 6, 2008 so maybe the newest production model functions differently?  I read in the FAQ on this forum that the 9v is supposed to supply enough power to keep the Chumby operational for up to 30 minutes, for situations like moving it between wall outlets.  However I read elsewhere on the site (can't recall exactly where) that when it does change over to battery juice, it powers down to a bare minimum operating state so that it can retain critical settings for as long as possible like you said.  The conflicting info is what's got me confused.

So, second question... is this something I could hack around or is it an actual hardware limitation?  I don't want to blow up the little guy, but I would use it a LOT more if it wasn't tethered to a single outlet in the kitchen.  It's just annoying to have to deal with resetting everything every time I want to move it around.  Annoying enough that I'd just as soon leave it in one spot and only visit a few times a day.

Re: 9v battery--what does it do?

If you search through the forums you will find a lot of discussion on the 9V battery. Right now if you have a fresh 9V installed, it can power your chumby for a few minutes. Some people have built up battery packs that extend this, but I remember a Chumbian  stating that at some point in the future the firmware may be updated to replace this functionality with some type of power save mode that would extend the life of the battery for longer power outages.

Here is one of the many threads on the 9V battery, .

I have not tried this since the recent FW update, so I gave it a shot and my Chumby still stays on powered by a fresh 9V.


Re: 9v battery--what does it do?

Thanks for the info!  I've read several of the battery threads (including the one you referenced) but since stuff seems to change fairly quickly I wasn't sure if I was seeing the most up-to-date info.  I did perform the FW upgrade and was wondering if my Chumby was indeed entering the "power save" mode as mentioned (although I'm pretty sure I attempted operating via battery power before and after doing the upgrade). Your experience sounds promising, though... maybe my 9v battery isn't as fresh as I'm thinking.  It passed the tongue test, lol, but I suppose I should try a brand new one and see if that makes a difference.

Re: 9v battery--what does it do?

Well I've done the tongue test a few too many times now. ;-)

I grabbed a fresh one from the supply cabinet here at work and my Chumby stayed powered up. I have yet to see how long a 9V would last as I have an inline battery backup similiar to the ER-Photo battery packs plugged in for the long power outages or times I make the Chumby portable.
