Topic: Google Calendar Widget Forgotten? (e.g. doesn't refresh events)

Hello All,

     So, I setup a test of the Google Calendar using my private calendar XML and iCAL URLs (attempted both) and there are a number of issues that make Google Calendar on the Chumby totally unuseable. Any plans to complete development of it?

Current Issues (aka deal-breakers)
- new events/appointments do not appear unless you push channel reload (and sometimes that doesn't even work).
- displays old entries (should only show current day and forward)

Hope for Updates
- ability to refresh and display new events/appointments on a schedule (e.g. every 1 hour, every 15 minutes, etc)
- ability to view in day & week mode (or 3 or 4 day view)
- ability to ignore alarms on Chumby (so, it only displays events/appts, and does not beep/alarm for them)
- ability to control event/appointments displaying of x days in the future


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Re: Google Calendar Widget Forgotten? (e.g. doesn't refresh events)

hmm i didn't know the google calendar actually work as an alarm (just learning about the chumby, don't have unit yet),  i would be interested in an google calendar alarm only for the first event of the day, and with possible "location" delta  via google map lookup (like Ambient clock).   That way Chumby will be a true "calendar aware" alarm clock.

Re: Google Calendar Widget Forgotten? (e.g. doesn't refresh events)

bserebin wrote:

- displays old entries (should only show current day and forward)

yeah this is kinda annoying.. hello we're in February, i don't need to see calendar events from 2 months ago!

Re: Google Calendar Widget Forgotten? (e.g. doesn't refresh events)

Check out the updated version now -- it should work better for you.