Topic: Can BTPlay play mp3s over a network?

I'm trying to get BTPlay to play an mp3 from a Windows share. Is this possible? I'm trying:

btplay \\\\computername\\dropbox\\test.mp3

btplay responds with:

playnow * \\yada\dropbox\test.mp3

But nothing comes out of the speaker.

Of course I also tried btplay \\computername\dropbox\test.mp3, which doesn't work either.

Is there a way of doing this?

I was thinking I could add text to speech to my Windows program that controls the Chumby. You coudl type in a text box, text would be saved as a wav file (or mp3) and then played on the Chumby....

Re: Can BTPlay play mp3s over a network?


Still curious about how to play mp3s over a network.

Is there a way to play an mp3 over a network share, whether its a windows share or a samba?

Any tips?

Re: Can BTPlay play mp3s over a network?

The chumby does not currently have a SAMBA client.  Until then (and we implement the UI to authenticate and mount SMB shares), then you'll have to use some other mechanism to access files on the LAN (HTTP, NFS, etc).

In any case, when mounted, the path would be something like /mnt/usb/smb0/dropbox/test.mp3, not a Windows path.

Re: Can BTPlay play mp3s over a network?

Duane wrote:

The chumby does not currently have a SAMBA client.  Until then (and we implement the UI to authenticate and mount SMB shares).

Does this mean that this is being considered? I would do a little dance if this were so...

Re: Can BTPlay play mp3s over a network?

We have smbclient running in the labs - no decision yet on whether we'll include it in the firmware, as it's quite large.  We need to somehow make room for it, then add the necessary support in the Control Panel.