1 (edited by wrybread 2008-03-07 06:04:36)

Topic: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...

I've been listening to shoutcasts thru my Chumby while I work and kept needing to adjust the volume, so I made a little program that runs on my Windows box and connects to the Chumby via SSH to set volume and play shoutcasts. It pulls its list of radio stations at startup from radiogizmo.org, they're all college and community radio.

You can also use it to control Winamp, so if the station sounds good and you want to hear it on the big speakers, you can...

Downloadable here, with some notes (2nd half of the page, search for ChumbyRemote):


Or a link to the installer:


One thing you'll need to do is open the configuration.ini file, which by default lives at c:\program files\ChumbyRemote\configuration.ini and set the IP address of your Chumby. And you need to enable SSH on your Chumby.

And the thing is super slow, like 3 seconds between sending a command and the Chumby reacting. That's because it starts a new SSH session every time it sends a command. I don't imagine anyone knows how to open an SSH session under Python/Windows and continue sending commands to it? Currently I'm running SSH as an external process via plink.exe.

I also made a commandline app that sets the volume of the Chumby and plays internet radio, let me know if anyone wants me to post it. It works like this:

# Set the volume to 50
chumby.exe -v50

# Tune into WFMU
chumby.exe -station=wfmu

Re: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...

I just added the ability to make the Chumby speak a phrase. So underneath the radio stations is now a text field, type something there and the Chumby should speak it.

The way it works is kind of kludgey, like the rest of this program: when you type a phrase it creates a wav file of the phrase, then the btplay plays the file over http. In other words, it starts a web server on the host computer on port 80.

Is there another way to send sounds to the Chumby? I couldn't get it to play over a Windows share.

Also for now there's no buffering or queue, so if you type something new before the previous phrase has spoken, it'll overwrite the previous phrase.

Re: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...

I posted some code a while back that allows one to initiate internet radio and control volume on the chumby through a remote web browser. The volume control runs as a cgi script on the chumby so it's pretty fast.



Re: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...

I'll check it out.

I just tried this program from another computer and it didn't work well, so consider this uber beta until I figure out why.