Topic: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...

I made a little program to control the Chumby from a Windows box in case anyone's interested:

Scroll down to "ChumbyRemote".

The gist is it will make your Chumby play various internet radio stations, and you can set the volume, both from Windows.

Note that you need to set the IP address of your Chumby in configuration.ini, which by default lives at c:\program files\ChumbyRemote\configuration.ini, and you need to enable SSH on your Chumby, deets on how to do that are at that link above.

And it's sloooow, like up to 3 seconds before the Chumby reacts. But it generally works.

Re: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...

Very cool; I'll have to check this out when I get home.  Thanks!

Chumby birthdate: 10/11/07

3 (edited by huckfinn 2008-03-07 08:55:06)

Re: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...

This sounds really cool, I will have to check it out.

I know this is going to sound very strange, but with something like this could you turn on the microphone of the Chumby and then listen in on the PC? Then in reverse use a microphone on the PC to send sound to the Chumby? It would be a two way intercom.


Re: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...

Good point! You could certainly turn the Chumby's microphone on, which is a great idea. I don't think you could listen to it live on the PC though.

It could make the Chumby do anything you can make the Chumby do from SSH.

Re: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...

I just added the ability to make the Chumby speak a phrase. So underneath the radio stations is now a text field, type something there and the Chumby should speak it.

Note that it has your computer run a web server on port 80, since as far as I can tell the only way the Chumby can play a sound file is via http. So make sure your firewall is allowing connections on port 80.

Also for now you have to be really slow, send one phrase at a time. If you send more than one the previous will get overwritten. I'll fix that in a bit.

Re: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...

Can I ask what service you use for text-to-speech?

Re: A Windows program that controls the Chumby...


I'll post the source when I clean it up a bit.