1 (edited by gingerbeardman 2008-03-04 10:43:42)

Topic: My life as a cloud


A series of images from the www.explodingdog.com website.

Optional configuration: You can display random images from the full set (default) or just a user defined series of images. They can change automatically (default) or manually.

Notes: the virtual version has an issue where the images are not displayed for the same amount of time, and sometimes a black screen is shown. This does not happen on a real Chumby. Go figure.


http://www.gingerbeardman.com/cloudy/chumby/?n=4 http://www.gingerbeardman.com/cloudy/chumby/?n=8 http://www.gingerbeardman.com/cloudy/chumby/?n=21 http://www.gingerbeardman.com/cloudy/chumby/?n=39 http://www.gingerbeardman.com/cloudy/chumby/?n=57 http://www.gingerbeardman.com/cloudy/chumby/?n=60