Topic: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

I've noticed that a lot of the info about using and changing Zurk's Offline firmware are scattered in different topics, sometimes hard to find. Members are coming up with some great tools and refinements, it would be a shame to miss it. I'm hoping folks may concentrate such stuff here in one topic. I'll start:

First, francesco has developed a great tool. I guess it's still a work in progress, but gets real results already. If you get the URL for your profile (or "channel"), it will download all the components of those widgets automatically, and even give you a modified form of the profile that confirms more to the offline format. The results may need to be changed a little for your firmware version, but this is a great, fast, easy way to get your own favorite widgets stored safely offline now. He just calls it the "convertor" though it's more than that. See francesco's info at:

Next, zurk has a forum on Sourceforge for questions about his offline software. There's not a lot of people using it yet, but he's been following it pretty closely. It appears that's where he'll also be announcing changes- for instance, v17 is out now. He answered a question I had about adding additional channels on the newer versions. Since zurk's work isn't "official Chumby" stuff, that may be the main source for info about his stuff in the future. You don't have to register to post, but I've been "signing" posts with "bobsz" just so he can track threads. Otherwise it calls everyone "nobody." See it at:

Third, I wonder if some folks are finding that some apps just don't work offline. My favorite "superclock" for instance, it just can't get configured. I'm curious if anybody else has tried that one.

Well, as long as we're still talking about the Offline Firmware here on the Chumby forum, hope we can all try to keep it here, or at least reference posts in other topics from here.

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

Thanks for starting a new thread to contain all the offline info.

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

Someone should start a thread listing which widgets are confirmed working in offline mode and which aren't. I'm literally just getting started with this so I don't have any info to share yet but as I start adding widgets I'll start keeping track and make a thread if one isn't already started by that point.

Also, the output from octopus has those long alphanumeric names, would it make sense to compile a list for cross referencing which is which? This is assuming they are the same for every user and don't change.

4 (edited by bobsz 2012-05-23 19:58:52)

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

Might as well mention a couple of widgets here. If we get a lot of posts (doubtful) we can start another thread. Most 'plain' clocks seem to work. Sun position clock works. Superclock doesn't work because you can't configure it. I'm gradually trying more clocks. Weatherbug and Accuweather work. (EDIT: I meant to say Yahoo Weather works. Of course Accuweather's already in zurk's firmware.)

I never tried Octopus. I think the idea is just collect them all first, sort them out later. The alphanumeric widget component names are the same for everybody, except for customizations. There's a couple of thoughts in the Octopus thread, maybe look at zurk's forum. Once you get your profiles, you can just copy the widgets' alphanumeric into a search box and pull them together. Francesco's system (above) does a little of that work for you. Those profiles also include your customizations. (though I found a couple don't stay customized offline- eg Bar Clock doesn't "read" your color choice.)

Considering how many (1000+) widgets there are, each with several components, I doubt anyone will be able to make that list. But a while back, Duane posted how to get a "catalog" xml for each category of apps, which could help you sort things out:

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

RE Multiple Channels-
I checked zurk's forum, and found out a couple of things I was doing wrong with multi-channels. The channels I added from francesco's tool weren't playing right. Turned out to be my fault, fiddling too much. First, zurk said channels (profiles) should be numbered consecutively, not skipping numbers like I did. (I did 0, 1, 2, 4.) More important, he said no two widgets can have the same widget ID number, even in different channels. I'd renumbered mine 1, 2, etc rather than the original long numbers, only because that's the way he did it in the old firmware versions. Since I duplicated widgets numbers, they didn't get recognized. I should have just left franceso's numbers alone.

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

Widget report-   Omniclock works well in offline firmware, with one quirk- it's not saying "am" or "pm" in the time. But time, day/date, and temperature are coming through right. If you want this one, might be easiest if you get the widget parameters from your own profile. There are several choices for colors of the info, so if you try to set it up offline I don't know what it'll give you by default. I like this widget, good info but large enough to see from a distance.

7 (edited by bobsz 2012-05-25 19:41:53)

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

Omniclock was showing 24-hr time, because it uses the Chumby's settings. I never realized that the offline firmware defaults to 24-hr time unless you change it.

francesco's converter is working perfectly on my C1. I realized I just had to change the beginnings of the profiles to reflect the multiple channels. @francesco, thanks again.

8 (edited by francesco 2012-05-27 09:43:19)

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

Thanks bobsz.

I just would like to add that some widgets don't read their parameters from profiles[n] but from the widget instance file instead.
For instance the stock quotes widget. Without its widget instance file it will show a predefined list of standard stocks. With the widget instance file the right stocks will appear.

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

Just FYI folks- if anyone's still following it, zurk's firmware is now up to v18. On his Sourceforge board, he says it's a bug fix, but I don't understand what the bug was. It also sounds like he relocated a few more files in this version. You know he keeps the same download links so just wanted to let you know what you're getting now.  I'm basically just downloading the new versions as archives. I think v15 was the last real change with changes in his music setup after the addition of multiple channels. I'm sticking here online as long as the severs are still moving.

There's also some chat there from somebody who tried to load the firmware onto the Chumby's internal SD card and ran into some problems.

I've fallen behind in saving widgets. Every time I look, I get a surprise of something I never saw before. Just saw cupcake slots for the first time. I guess I can't have 'em all.

@francesco- I never thanked you for the further explanation for your C1 profile tool. Thanks. The challenge of editing for the C8 still lies ahead for me!

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

ADDING A CHANNEL ON THE C8- I finally managed to customize the offline firmware for my Chumby 8. It seems the process should be the same for all the multi-channel versions from 15 to 18. It's harder finding your way around than in the C1. There are files and folders called "profile(s)" in several places. Apparently, some are just leftovers from older versions. The current proflies used aren't named "profile." They just are a number, 0, 1, 2, etc. They are in lightly> html> xapis >show. The files named numbers named "0" etc are the actual profiles, the things you need to modify or add to. In v18, zurk uses 0, 1, and 2, so the next channel to add would be 3. You don't have to refer to all the profiles at the start of each profile. Instead, you have to put the profile IDs in a file called "list" one folder up, in the "profile" folder. You can see format from the ones already in there. You have to list it there or Control Panel won't see it.

All the widgets, thumbnails, and templates still go in the www folder.

I tried francesco's C1 profile tool to see if it worked at all for the C8. It does download all the widgets neatly, but the converted profile needs a lot of modification. It might be as easy to start with zurk's profile outline, but either way it's a lot of cut and paste and find and replace. And I had to pull his widget components out of separate folders right into www. But happily, it works.

I'd never played many games on my Chumbys, certainly not my C8. But I decided to set up a channel with several to try to save for posterity. I had no idea how many cool games there are! Plus, I thought it would be a good test for the firmware. I'm happy to announce that all the following widgets work on the C8 offline:

Newton's Cradle, Chong!, Bubble Wrap, Toy Piano, Reversi (1 player), Cupcake Slots, Tic Tac Toe, Pegjump, and Pinball. Newton's Cradle and Cupcake slots ran slow, but I used a lousy USB. Plus, most of these look great on the larger screen, notably pinball.

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

Ok I'm doing something wrong here.

Chumby classic, Zurk v18 & Francesco's convertor

I just can''t find my user ID to work with the convertor.
If I plug the zurk USB stick in and stop_control_panel & start_control_panel then hunt down the line I get a profile id=0 and a chumby ID I recognise as my chumby's device id, but no user ID. If I copy that line wholesale & add it to the convertor I get (unsurprisingly) 404 not found.

So how with this set up do I find my widgets & convert them to work with zurk 18 ?

12 (edited by bobsz 2012-06-16 16:20:01)

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

You need to find the line with the ID of that profile ie "channel." For instance, here's a aslightly altered one from my C1- channel named "Basic Apps 1." You need from the http on to the end or where it gets truncated, and the url has to be in quotes.

WidgetPlayer.fetchProfileXML(): loading profile Basic Apps 1 from http: //      (without this space)                                          92EDFEF&chumby_id=5YourChumbyID.....

If you paste the URL in your browser, it should bring up your xml profile if you have the right thing.

But honestly, laat night I had trouble using the convertor. Not a 404, but it said it was stopped at I haven't had time to try it again since then, might not have a chance until Monday. Hopefully it'll be working again, or else we'll have to download each widget part from our profiles.

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

FYI, I'm having trouble SSHing the profiles out of my Chumby 8 tonight. C1 is SSHing ok. C! has a cache you can clear. I'm afraid the c8 may be saving the profiles in cache. Soory, more confusion.

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

The C1 and C8 use entirely different protocols to talk to the server.

Basically, the 3.5" devices use an older protocol internally referred to as the "xml" protocol, and the larger screen devices, dash, Android and TV devices use the "xapi" protocol.  The main difference is the security model - the "xml" protocol uses function-specific tokens, while the "xapi" protocol uses OAuth.

15 (edited by bobsz 2012-06-16 20:03:00)

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

Thanks for the explanation Duane. I'm looking in the right place now. The other problem with me not getting connected was a problem with my wi-fi, not francesco's tool.

16 (edited by anam 2012-06-18 02:23:13)

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

The problem is I can't get the chumby (classic, so using the xml protocol) to load my channels when using Zurk18. I only get the 3 channels built in to the offline firmware. That means I always get a profileid of 0,1,2 depending which zurk channel it's switched to.
So is there something I need to edit on my USB drive to get channels or is there another way of getting my profile ID without using the logging version of Zurk's control panel ?

(Amigafin's guide only deals with the 8 series which is no help here )

Ah hah you can get the Profile id from When you first log in you get to this URL :-******
Where the stars are a long string of Hex that is your channel ID.
In theory this means you can get all the info for the convertor from logging into & swap the profile stuff over before you put the firmware into your chumby.

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

So there's a couple of things. However you did it, sounds like you may have solved one and found a profile ID. But it still doesn't look like the format you need to feed into the converter. Give it a try. For the C1, I'm pretty sure you need to find one mentioning xml, as I posted before. Other ways, you might just get the profile text without the widget components.

But first of all, let's make sure the terms are right. Profile=channel.  So there will be one profile for each channel. So yes, however you get it, the ID of that is the long string you need to put into francesco's converter. Note that the profile ID changes different times you use your Chumby. That's why most people succeed by getting the profile ID right out of the Chumby. See what happens with that URL you get that way.

When you get that profile ID, that's what you put into the converter. If it works, the program will go online and suck down a profile altered for zurk's format. Read francesco's info. The profile will be a document by itself. Each widget has several components- the flash movie itself, thumbnails, etc. That's all the stuff you need to put on the USB. It's different forC1 vs C8. You should find the instructions or links above, or search the forum. The info's all there already. Also, zurk has info on his forum, link above. Each of his zip downloads also has a readme and/or changelog. Francesco's converted stuff should work as is in the Chumby 1. You need to number  the channels in order, so if zurk used 1,2.3, yours will be 4.

For the C1, there will be a "header" type thing on each profile so the control panel will recognize the new channel. I had that answered by zurk somewhere in the forum. But it's different for the C8. Read all the above again, and zurk's postings. If you can't find it or get stuck, post info like what device you have, if you're trying to add one more profile, just a few widgets, what kind of skill level you have with this suff. Do you have a good text editor like Edit Pad or Edit Pad lite? If not, Edit Pad lite makes editing your profiles a lot easier than Notepad.

So just re-read all the above. The convertor needs a recent version of Java installed. If you're set with that stuff, francesco's converter will do the job. Just a couple of commands at the c: prompt. Note that if you convert more than one channel, clear out the output folder between channels if you want the widgets kept separate. The profiles will be separate. The channel numbers downloaded will need to be changed. That's just the order you added them to your device.

BTW, if you want to download any particular widget, rather than your channels, note the link provided by Duane elsewhere. This takes you to an index for each widget category, then to every single widget. You can download the parts of each widget with wget, or visual wget which I use.

18 (edited by bobsz 2012-07-21 01:05:08)

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

FYI- I'm still modifying profiles by hand for my C8. Made a very stupid mistake doing "find and replace" to fit the offline firmware. I thought it would be easy using MS Word for a change, but it changed some quotes to "smartquotes" and the profile wasn't recognized by the firmware at all.

Can't get NOAA or WeatherCalendar to work on the zurk C8 v18, but most widgets working fine. C8 profiles are actually easier to edit than C1. But I can't figure out where to put the "widget instance" files in the C8, most apps don't seem to need them.

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

bobsz wrote:

FYI- I'm still modifying profiles by hand for my C8. Made a very stupid mistake doing "find and replace" to fit the offline firmware. I thought it would be easy using MS Word for a change, but it changed some quotes to "smartquotes" and the profile wasn't recognized by the firmware at all.

Check out Notepad++ for all your search/replace needs in text files.  No stupid auto-correct crap, just (nearly complete) regex pattern matching -- or simple search-and-replace if you'd prefer to go that route.  You also can have line numbers, a file comparison plugin, and other goodies.  Oh, and there's a "find in files" feature which lets you specify a folder to search in, filenames (or wildcards) to search in, and finds all instances of a given string in all those files... can also do search/replace that way smile

Re: Offline Firmware- Adding widgets from your profile, misc problems/tips

Thanks for the above Doktor Jones.

@ francesco- don't know if you're still around. But reading your last post on another forum, I realize you may have never gotten a copy of my C8 profile as xml. I know you're probably not motivated to try a C8 converter at this point, but just in case I sent you a link to an xml in a forum mail.