1 (edited by ElMalakai 2012-03-15 09:01:12)

Topic: Widget to play swf link?

Not sure if this is possible, or if instead I need to make a widget to encapsulate this some how, but I'd like to run this:
http://www.wunderground.com/swf/pws_min … mp;lang=EN
In my Chumby8 as a widget.

I noticed a widget under misc that displays any URL, but it seams to load the chumby browser and then ceases to continue with the slideshow.

Also, I tried the wgGraph widget for Weather Underground but it scrolls through a few images way to fast and really doesn't give a concise display of the important data.


I tried to just use this link: http://banners.wunderground.com/cgi-bin … =KMTBIGSK6 and the Image URL widget, but I get a Load Error on that.

Re: Widget to play swf link?

i tried out the swf and the rapidfire swf. they work fine on both the c8 & c1.
just edit your crossdomain file, create a widget instance, point them to wunderground and thats it.
you need your chumby to be running offline firmware though. i have no idea if you can do the same on regular chumbies.

3 (edited by bobsz 2012-03-15 17:58:11)

Re: Widget to play swf link?

Like you figured, you will need an swf to get most useful reports. The way the Chumbrowser displays some pages is chancey, anyway.

But, I use that ImageURL widget to display some weather data pretty well. Unfortunately, it only displays an image file, ie something ending with a "gif" or "jpg" extension. The thing you tried with the Weather Underground "weather stickers" will work, but only if you can find the "old style" sticker. For instance, here's the link to a Big Sky sticker-

http://weathersticker.wunderground.com/ … ig_Sky.gif

Here's the page for selecting them-

http://classic.wunderground.com/geo/Ban … g_Sky.html

Unfortunately, you can see they're really small by today's standards. They work well on the Chumby 3.5, but are beyond pixellated on the C8. On the other hand, Image URL is good for other weather stuff if you can find static images. You can get some pretty good weather maps from the Weatherchannel, but again, you have to find static images. Here's your 600-mile radar-

http://i.imwx.com//web/radar/us_bil_clo … s_usen.jpg

You can get different jpeg maps from their choices at-


or here-

http://www.weather.com/maps/maptype/cur … large.html