Topic: Website - problem access variables
Hi again,
having some issues accessing variables from within the configuration widget.
I am trying to read _chumby_widget_instance_id and cant get it
To test what vars were available I ran the following code
for (i in _root) {
diag.text = diag.text + i + ' = '+_root[i] + "\n" ;
Heres the result - many are just my widget vars but cant see _chumby_widget_instance_id although I could get it from _chumby_instance_url
startuploadscreen = [type Function]
emb = undefined
dbarray =
loaddbxml =
mykey = undefined
setdefault = [type Function]
savebuttonclick = [type Function]
savedb = [type Function]
Blowfish = [type Function]
NewBlowFish = [type Function]
tabindex = 2
baseURL =
_chumby_instance_url = … 21288EBF58
$version = WIN 10,1,53,64
reserved = _level0.reserved
focusManager = _level0.focusManager
diag = _level0.diag
instance5 = _level0.instance5
instance4 = _level0.instance4
instance3 = _level0.instance3
instance2 = _level0.instance2
instance1 = _level0.instance1
pwd = _level0.pwd
username = _level0.username
share = _level0.share
savebutton = _level0.savebutton
devtype = _level0.devtype
server = _level0.server