Topic: Longer Sleep Timer

I've just gotten my Chumby One and after getting it all setup and situation I only have one problem with it. I'd like to see a longer Sleep Timer for Listening to things under the music pane. 1 hour turn off is often not enough. I like to listen to Podcasts or streams of radio shows (Old Loveline episodes mostly) when I'm going to bed as it takes me some time to get to sleep. The 1 hour top end of the sleep timer should be able to go as high as someone wants it to.

Re: Longer Sleep Timer

I'll talk with Product Management and we'll see what we can do.

Re: Longer Sleep Timer

I'd like to see a longer timer, too.  I just got my Chumby One to replace my dying Chumby Classic.  On the old one, I'd been using the "Goodnight Chumby" script, and had it set to 99 minutes.  It'd be easier to just use the timer, though. Is there a file where the timer max/min and increments are set that I can edit?

Re: Longer Sleep Timer

pjsauter wrote:

Is there a file where the timer max/min and increments are set that I can edit?

No, but that's a good idea....