Topic: One widget to rule them all, one widget to bind them

A master widget to rule over other widgets, i.e. a widget with thumbnails of other widgets in the channel(s) (tap a thumbnail to goto the widget,  double tap brings back the master widget.) With either a) 'home thermostat'  schedule (weekdays, weekends, day of week, time ....) for each widget, or b) slots on each widget which can hold rules affecting the execution schedule (like FF12), or c) a light control language for widget execution

The Chumby One is awesome, but I'd use her more if I could *quickly* select from the pallet of widgets and go. I lack the patience  to wait, and feel that control panel navigation is awkward, so I often leave the room without a touch.

Also, a remote for under-the-covers control.

Re: One widget to rule them all, one widget to bind them

Interesting idea.  You can also hold down the top button, and tilt the device left or right.
