Topic: Lose the confirmation screen after connecting to a network

After Chumby connects to a wireless network, it displays a screen that doesn't mean much to me, with a "Done" button at the bottom.  Is this really important, or can it be done away with?  After Chumby connects, couldn't it just start playing widgets?  I think it would be safe to assume that if you tell it to connect to a network, and the next thing you see are your widgets playing, then it has connected to that network successfully -- not need for a confirmation screen.

Re: Lose the confirmation screen after connecting to a network

Well, that information is important to *some* people, since it displays IP information, etc., that at least confirm that it connected to the correct access point and got a reasonable address.  Much of that information is reproduced on the Settings->Chumby Info page.

The other issue this wizard is available through Settings->Network, and without a confirmation screen, it would simply exit back to the Settings panel without any idea what actually happened.

I'll bring it up with Product Management to see if we can make it conditional.

Re: Lose the confirmation screen after connecting to a network

I figured it would mean something to someone -- otherwise, why would it exist?  But is it necessary to the average user on every connection?

It's such a minor issue that I went back and forth over even posting about it, but it really would make the startup process much smoother.