Topic: Our new flash player can support chumby now

Hi, all

    I hold a team in china, which have focused on FLASH player for 1.5 years. In april, we finally
finished the support most of as2.0 classes. yesterday, we customized a version on a 120M arm chip
to test chumby widgets.
   I do not enable on2 decoder for now, so video related widgets was not tested. But the testing for
other widgets was encourage. We can support over 80% widgets on chumby site, others only have
some minor problems. And for a 120M arm chip, 320x240 resolution, flash widgets can run smoothly.
It seems that the flash player from adobe need do much more optimization. (Maybe because they use
C++ to construct player, and we use C)
    (if anyone have any advice, fell free to send me a email,


Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

Do I understand this correctly - you have implemented a Flash Player from scratch? Is it Open Source?

Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

Duane wrote:

Do I understand this correctly - you have implemented a Flash Player from scratch? Is it Open Source?

Yes, two years before we started this project from gnash, a month later we decided to rewrite the whole project by C. It's not a
easy decision, i'm glad we finally achieve what we originally plan to.

There key module for player implementation: AVM, Render and Player core. We are digging into the tamarin for now. I think maybe
later we can support  AS3.0 (for now only AS2.0) . I find that all the widges on chumby website use flash lite3.0, so after we
finish all the AS2.0 classes, we try the chumby website. Your widgets implemented nice ;-)

It's not free. Originally, i planned to use it as an engine which can do the FLASH GUI on so many consumer electronics. Now i found
that it can do much more things. On 5.1, adobe give their open screen project, and remove the restriction for FLASH player created by
other group,  i think we do NOT need to face any legal problems anymore.

Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

Is any of the Gnash code still in your project?

Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

Duane wrote:

Is any of the Gnash code still in your project?

None, i don't think Gnash was in a well designed structure, especially for embedded platform.

Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

So, what are your plans for this player?

Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

I think DPF maybe the first application, there are much more DPF with wifi now. With the FLASH engine, we can
play FLASH game on DPF, visit website use our own widges, constuct FLASH GUI for DPF, etc. 

We just add native interface for our FLASH engine, we can call any native functions from Action Script
The application will be a interesting ;-)

Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

hi, everyone, i just upload a video to youtube:
Show how widges running on our board, hehe  ;-)

Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

Does DPF = "digital picture frame"?

Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

This is really interesting news.  I'm excited to see how this may unfold and whether or not this would ultimately benefit future chumby development.  Whats even more interesting is that we seemingly heard it here first.  Coming to Chumbysphere from now on for breaking news!

Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

wayn3w wrote:

Does DPF = "digital picture frame"?

That's right, and that video on the youtube which i uploaded yesterday was a demo on a digital TV board.

Re: Our new flash player can support chumby now

This is very cool news.

If you were less expensive to licence than Flash, perhaps this could reduce the cost of a chumby and provide more options for Chumby Inc?