Topic: Transferring files to Chumby

I was doing some testing with controlpanel.swf yesterday and I quickly got tired of moving my USB flash drive between my PC and Chumby.

How are other developers getting around this hassle?

Via SSH, I believe I can mount a drive from my PC onto Chumby.  That way I could leave the usb key in chumby and cp files to it.
However, I couldn't get it to work... Is there a easy guide for doing this?
I saw this example somewhere:
mount -t nfs -o nolock /mnt/nfs
I expect this IP is the IP of my PC, although I'm unsure what directory root would be - is that just the share name?

I have heard mention of running an ftp server on Chumby and logging into it from the PC and uploading files.
That also sounds like it would work.  Has anyone done it?  Where do I start?

A less technical option I have considered is a peripheral switch.  You stick the USB key into a hub-like gizmo with two cords coming out of it.  You plug into your PC and Chumby and use a physical switch to control which device is the master of the USB key.

Hopefully there is yet another option that is much easier than these...

2 (edited by thinkquick 2008-04-16 01:38:48)

Re: Transferring files to Chumby

I worked out why I couldn't get mount to work.  I need to run an NFS server on my Windows PC.  You can tell I don't use Linux...

Edit: Got it working now, crisis over.

I used a shareware NFS server called nfsAxe.
In the nfsAxe NFS Server, I exported a directory (F:/mynfs) which created something called /f/mynfs
I also had to add permission for all users (*) to connect
Then from SSH (using Putty.exe), I was able to do:
mkdir /mnt/nfs
mount -t nfs -o nolock /mnt/nfs
And then I could copy things to the connected USB key:
cp /mnt/nfs/something.swf /mnt/usb/.

I wonder if this can all be wrapped up into a couple of nice files on my USB key that I could then call via flash? (and potentially not need to SSH?).

Re: Transferring files to Chumby

You can use scp to copy files over.  I sometimes have two terminal windows open when I do development, one deicated for building and scp, and one is an ssh session so I can refer to the file structure or make ad hoc changes to chumby files with vi.


Re: Transferring files to Chumby

yeah winscp is da best !!

get it here :
user root , no password

there is not anything else more easy to use than that.

daemon SSH must be launched on the chumb.

Christian LEBAUDY  :  SW Engineer (JAVA/C/++ and more)
MSN : clebaudy AT hotmail DOT com
Agility and open source are the key to achieve SW projects in our modern world.

Re: Transferring files to Chumby

WinSCP is working great.  Way better than using mount and a NFS server.  I suppose doing something like that might be good for giving Chumby access to pictures or music on your local PC, but file copying is what I needed, and this is perfect.

Re: Transferring files to Chumby

Used WinSCP Lovin it!
It is awesome
Thanks guys