Topic: Problem with My Music Files

I've a problem playing mp3 files from an usb dongle with the 'My Music Files' option.
If the mp3 files have long filenames and/or the directory names are long, it's impossible to play the songs.
I have tried to play the files through action script with sound.loadsound() and sound.start() but it won't work either.
Some songs work, other won't.

Is there any 'trick' to play mp3 files on the chumby ?

Re: Problem with My Music Files

What firmware version are you running (1.2, 1.4.0, 1.5.0)?

Can you give an example of a complete file path that's *not* working?

Re: Problem with My Music Files

I use 1.5 firmware and I've done a few more tests.
I think the file- and directorynames aren't the problem. If I have only a few mp3 files on the usb dongle everything works fine.
But if I copy a lot of images to another folder then 'My Music Files' isn't able to complete the search. After a while it hangs and the the controlpanel is reloaded.
Therefore it would be nice to specifiy a path to the mp3 files. In that way the search in all folders of the usb dongle can be prevented.

Re: Problem with My Music Files

That's probably it - the routine that searches the drive can sometimes have a problem with directories with *lots* of files in it.