Topic: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change … ge-chumby/

Engadget has Chumby up for the "What would you change category?"..

Chumbians take a look, but remember that most of these dorks talk out their .... and have never seen one before.
So take it with a grain of salt unless it's a kick-... idea...LOL


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Re: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change

I love when people complain about the name but have no problem using web sites like "Yahoo", "Google", "Twitter", etc.  When you look back to when these sites were created, there were lots of techy types complaining about how silly the names were.  This is why one hires marketing people to do marketing instead of technical people.

We joke about changing the name to a more conventional one, such as "Internet Access Device XN-3011 Turbo Plus".

The form factor was chosen to create exactly this type of controversy - if we'd created yet-another-shiny-plastic-and-chrome device, nobody would have given it a second look.  We specifically asked the industrial designer to create the "anti-iPod".

Re: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change

Good lord.  I haven't read comments on Engadget in a couple-three years... is the internet really that stupid?  "I DEMAND AN OLED SCREEN!"

Slave to the Light, Inc.
Los Angeles & Seattle USA

Re: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change

Yeah, that's pretty silly - something virtually nobody heard of a year ago is suddenly absolutely critical.

Re: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change

I stopped after the second comment demanding it run Windows.

Re: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change

I'm amused by the couple of people demanding 'better QA' for the widgets. Do you think these same people diss Apple in other threads for  gouging developers by asking them to pay $99 to have their iPhone apps available through the App Store? I bet they are...

Re: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change

I love the name. I love the look. I wouldn't have bought a shiny-plastic-and-chrome Internet Access Device XN-3011 Turbo Plus.

Re: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change

The people on engaget are just mad that its not a status symbol like their I-phone and starbucks grande caramel soy nonfat tipple frappachino (milkshake).

The criticism is almost never based on the product, just people who spent 500 dollars on a phone but say "why should i buy an expensive gadget?"

Maybe Chumby should do what I-pod did, and advertise dependance.  the old "If i want my music player to work with my daughter's dolls, my toilet seat, and my trashcan, I need an Ipod" approach. Find ways to plug the chumby into other things, like lamps, doors, chairs, a magnet, books, and things like that, and suddenly people will need to have one.

Re: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change

With regards to the name you only have to look to the Nintendo Wii to see how a ridiculous name can easy be forgotten about if the product is good enough.

Re: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change

I think my Chumby is cute, and the name fits it, (AND HEY, IF YOU DONT LIKE THE NAME, YOU CAN CHOOSE ONE FOR IT).

And running Windows, are they crazy? Linux is definately the way to go

Re: Chumby on Engadget again.. What to change

KMyers wrote:

And running Windows, are they crazy? Linux is definately the way to go

I thin the Chumby's strength here is that for the majority of end-users, it doesn't matter what OS the thing runs, because they never see it. The people who want it to run windows are seriously missing the point of the device...