Topic: My Streams -- text limits?

Just went to enter this shoutcast stream in My Streams: … lename.pls

1) It's awfully tedious to enter that sort of URL!
2) The Chumby display stopped right around the "a" of the last word "filename.pls" though i didn't notice it until I had typed the whole address in.

I thought at first that I had overflowed the space allowed for text, but then I tried backspacing. I realized it took several backspaces before I could see any letters being deleted. Then I wondered whether maybe all the letters were there, but just weren't showing up. I re-entered the remaining letters carefully, even though I couldn't see anything after the "a".

And sure enough, it worked. It appears that all the letters were entered all right, but the Chumby display doesn't show them all.

A bug?

Re: My Streams -- text limits?

Possible - I'll look into it.

You probably don't need to include the "file=filename.pls" portion of the URL - the chumby doesn't care about the filename.

Re: My Streams -- text limits?

Thanks much.