1 (edited by P.Naej 2008-03-07 14:23:46)

Topic: Accented letters : é ê ë î ï

Hello at all,

I've got some trouble with accented letters like : é ê ë î ï
But Only in "Dynamic Text" !

... They are not replace, they disapear  ;-(

Is there any Trick ?

Edit :

I think I find a way to resolve that, with "dynamic text".

In Flash 8 click on the "dynamic text" and click on the button "Embed ..." (in properties).

In the line "include these characters", copy this line :
AZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbnéèêëîï â ,;:&é"'(-è_ç )123456789/*-+

... add characters to this line if you need too.

It works, but your .swf file will grow about 10 Ko (not so much)

And forget to use <u>My Text</u>
And may be <b>My Text</b> (not sure about bold).
But :
<font size="9">My text</font> ... works !
<font color="#000033">My text</font> ... works !
<font size="9" color="#000033">My text</font> ... works !

Re: Accented letters : é ê ë î ï

Yes, you have done correct.

With dynamic text, flash needs to have the custom font data available to display any text that may be entered into the dynamic text box. So, you specify which characters you need it to cope with, and it includes the font data for them. Of course, the more characters you include, the more data is included in the file and the size grows

Re: Accented letters : é ê ë î ï

Thanks for your answer Gingerbeardman.

It is sad to use this "Embed" option, while it works wihtout on "traditional" flash  player.

But I understand, it is flash lite.

And in final, not so much Ko are added to the .swf

So it is hard to find, but it is ok :-)

Re: Accented letters : é ê ë î ï

it only works on traditional flash player, because you have that font installed on your machine. remove the font, and you will be in the same position.

embed is really a good solution!

except for chinese or japanese wink

Re: Accented letters : é ê ë î ï

gingerbeardman wrote:

it only works on traditional flash player, because you have that font installed on your machine. remove the font, and you will be in the same position.

I'm not using very often "dynamic text" in flash.
I really thought it was like "static text" : embeded while you export your swf.

So thanks a lot to learn me this point.

I knew I need to practice more Flash and A.S.
This little Chumby  will force me to study more :-)

Re: Accented letters : é ê ë î ï

In Flash 8 Pro you need to select "Latin I" to embed the fonts with accents above the letter.