1 (edited by gingerbeardman 2008-02-28 17:26:45)

Topic: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

Today I uploaded the first version of my Ceefax Viewer widget, which will allow you to view Ceefax at any time without the need for a TV. It uses the same feed I used in my Mac OS X version.

It's an early version, so it only allows you to list pages in a comma-separated list and cycle through them by touching the screen.

Future revisions will allow:
- cycle through subpages
- automatic cycle through pages/subpages
- cycle through random pages

It'd be nice to have the following features, but I'm not sure my Flash/ActionScript is good enough!
- hyperlinking of on-screen page numbers
- enter page number to go to

Anyway, I hope some UK users out there enjoy it.



Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget


Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

I'm looking into this.

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

Matt,   this is really great, as a UK user I really appreciate it ... opens up a whole window of information to the Chumby without any further development.  I think this will be especially useful for TV now/next, travel news and UK news headlines.  Can you confirm, are you using http://www.ceefax.tv/ to generate the page?

I previously have been using the "Load image from URL" widget to display a ceefax page using the following link:
http://www.ceefax.tv/cgi-bin/gfx.cgi?pa … annel=bbc1

Your widget is MUCH better!!


5 (edited by gingerbeardman 2008-02-29 10:54:26)

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

Hi Ant,

Yes, I am using Ceefax.tv as a source for the images, I specify font=small which gives me a 320x240 graphic - perfect!

I'm just about to upload a new version that buffers page loads, so there's no blank screen between pages. Bizarrely, since making a few changes, I have had to use a server side script and crossdomain.xml on my server to get it to work. Wheras before it worked fine! The image source has not changed so I'm not sure why Flash is acting up?

Anyway! Work continues.

Glad you like it.


Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

New version up http://www.chumby.com/guide/widget/CEEFAX+viewer

+ ability to accept 100 and 100_1 format page numbers
+ buffered page display
~ improved page change on screen touch
~ improved configuration handling

Next version will support auto slideshow of pages and more.

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

New version uploaded, should be with you soon.

+ New configuration panel
+ Config: auto or manual page change
+ Config: randomise page order
~ improved configuration handling

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

Great widget, thank you.

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

I am a bit confused about the auto page changing feature.

My list is 401_1,402_2 (weather) 45 seconds and if I set manual I can touch the screen to change between them.
On auto, I do not see two pages so I assume that the 45 sec is not per page. What is the time between pages?

Thanks for doing this excellent widget.

10 (edited by gingerbeardman 2008-06-16 03:23:26)

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget


I am working with the guy who is in charge of the feed to produce a new, improved version.

In manual mode, the pages changes on screen press.
In auto mode, the screen changes every 10 seconds or so, but the time between changes can be extended by touching the screen.

I agree this is slightly confusing!

(45 seconds, in your case, is the length of time after which the chumby will timeout the channel. It is not used by the widget.)

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

Thanks for the clarification.

I guess I must be doing something wrong. When my page list consists of 402_2,402_1 and I set it to automatically change pages I only see the first page in the list (for the full 45 seconds). Is there, perhaps, an issue with subpages in the list?

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

Possibly. Try putting the same two pages again, so you have four pages in total.

The page buffer is three pages long and I've not tested it so much with less than that.

13 (edited by shschampion 2008-06-16 08:27:19)

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

Should there be spaces after the commas or not?

Aha... answered my own question. Four pages with no commas works fine! Thanks for the tip.

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

Unfortunately, this widget is not working for me, I've tried setting up the configuration in different ways but no joy. All I get is a blank screen.

This is what I've used in the pages section:


Am I doing something wrong?

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

The feed is currently down, I will attempt to get it back up ASAP.

Sorry but this is out of my hands...

16 (edited by gingerbeardman 2009-12-27 08:18:23)

Re: BBC Ceefax Viewer widget

This is currently broken, due to some changes made by the feed owner.

I am accepting donations through my website to help me find the time to improve my existing widgets and create new ones. If you use this widget you are encouraged to send me a small donation.


Thank you!