Topic: So many widgets: how about selecting channels by day or time?

There are now so many great widgets that I want to see, that it takes forever to cycle through them.

How about adding some control panel options that allow me to define when my channels will appear?

For example, I could have morning-only channels, or weekend-only channels..

Re: So many widgets: how about selecting channels by day or time?

you can easily do this right now by using alarms. Just set an alarm for the time you want a particular channel to appear, choose an internet stream as your alarm sound and set the alarm duration to OFF, then use the post-alarm action to select the channel you want. Check the "don't show alarm" box and you should be good to go.

Re: So many widgets: how about selecting channels by day or time?

Interesting work-around, thanks dhl.

Re: So many widgets: how about selecting channels by day or time?

But also remember, that if you want to check the 'Don't show alarm screen' box, then you will have to set the alarm sound to something other than the three default noises. Most people have trouble with this, and can't figure out why they can't select it.