Topic: Most/Least Favorite Widgets?

Wondering what everyones most and least favorite widgets are. I will start things out.

BBC News UK Edition Widget
You can read the full article from within the widget and it has a Clean UI.
Netflix Widget
Just an overall good example of a service tie in widget.
Delegate Scoreboard Widget
Good way to keep track of the delegate counts and it has a clean UI.
Sleep Sound Generator Widget
A novel idea that I use to add some background noise to my day. Plus, the night mode is more than readable during the day.
Weather Channel Widget
Yet again, good UI and lots of info.

Animekiosk Widget
Really interesting, until you realize that the videos it offers to play are always the exact same ones.
QuickTunes Widget
Crashes and refuses to recognize most of the uploaded media.
Any Chumby 101 Widget
If I ever only saw one once, it would be fine, but they get annoying. Would actually be interested in MORE advertising and less Chumby 101.
Yahoo Maps Widget
It is there, but that is all that can be said about it. It is just there.
The Chumbtrix Widget
Neat idea, but too slow on the Chumby (actually due to hardware limitations, but still).

Well, what about you guys?

Re: Most/Least Favorite Widgets?

(I generally leave my chumby on it when im not doing anything with it)
(It's just a funny widget)
Screen Clean
(Again, it's just funny)
Chumby Chat
(The only problem is it's hard to find someone on at the same time as yourself)
KZ Band Clock
(I set the brightness to low and use it instead of Nightmode, it emits less light)

(I already know the things they are trying to tell me, and some of the tips you can't work the chumby without, so you need to know them to be able to see the tip)
(Ditto here, it's too slow)
Tic Tac Toe
(There are three outcomes: One; you block the chumby from winning. Two; You let the chumby win. Three; There is a glitch were, if you tap the boxes fast enough, you can win before the chumby plays it's own turns.
Yellow Submarine
(Can anyone tell me the point of this one? I think it was a test widget)
Bloc Rouge
(Darn the French! Even their games are mean!)

Well there's my list darundal.

By the way, do you know how to do smiley's on the forum?