Topic: My girlfriend USED to think my Chumby was a stupid waste of money

Until I made her a custom channel of cuteness.

Screen Clean
Fat Cat Land
Bad Bunny
Stuff on My Mutt
Stuff on My Cat
Daily Puppy
I can has cheezburger
Cute Overload

I'm looking for more widgets of cute. Got any suggestions?

Re: My girlfriend USED to think my Chumby was a stupid waste of money

You can always use PhotoFrame or one of the other photo widgets to display hand-picked photos of cuteness.

Why isn't there a Hello Kitty widget? Why???

Re: My girlfriend USED to think my Chumby was a stupid waste of money

or you could use the Flickr widget to search for keywords like cute.. though who knows what would turn up.

@ Tommy Hello Kitty? NO! hehe