OK so what is the Mic for?
I can think of several good uses for it. Here is one.
Like setting up a clock Widget to look like a clock.
except it has a secrete area to touch which brings up a super secrete function. That function is Room audio recording.
you can then set the unit to buffer record constantly. when there is a sound it records it and keeps recording as long as sounds are present.
So lets say you go out to a movie. and the kids are home along. The chumby can be used to record the sounds made when the kids rummage around for loose change and roaches.
Then the chumby can send you an e-mail telling you that there was some sound made in your bedroom. Better yet the e-mail contains a URL which will lead you to a live audio stream  of your bed room. How about connecting a web cam and have it stream picture for security purposes.
There is a lot of potential. the Keep it simple mode really is best.
Simple buffered recording to a memory key of any audio in the area of the Chumby.
Can't somebody write up this little Widget?
The Clock part is already done. Just pick one which is nice and stable.
That way this could be added to just about any clock widget. Making it more difficult to determine if the chumby is in this record mode by anybody except the person setting up the chumby to record.

A Chumby in hand is worth 20 in the Wherehouse.


Kids, check your local laws first! smile


I think you're paranoid, but it would be a good security devise. And if you want to add a webcam, well... somebody might just notice it on the chumby/ wherever you put it in your room. Also, you would get an e-mail of a recording every time a pet walked into your room.
Besides, the chumby speakers might not be able to pick up any noise that isn't loud enough or within a certain range. Unless you've tested the mic on a widget you have, or with hacking into the chumby to use it, then we'll never know. So if anyone knows the code to write this widget, try it! smile