Topic: Alternate methods of turning off an alarm - puzzles? accelerometer?

Id really like a chumby but the last thing thats holding me back is finding something that would force you to solve brain age style puzzles or shake the hell out of it or something to get me out of bed.  If it exists can someone link me, if it doesnt, is there any reason its not possible?

Re: Alternate methods of turning off an alarm - puzzles? accelerometer?

You could use custom alarms (in beta control panel?) to switch to a special wake-up channel. Then, the widget on that channel can do whatever is needed to get you to stop playing.

For example, it can play continuous annoying noise. To turn it off, you will need to turn on Control Panel and chose another channel. That should be difficult enough. :-)

Now, that second widget does not exist, but now your options are much more open.

Is that enough to get you to buy it?