Topic: Controlling BTPLAY...

The new beta control panel is cool.  Particularly the new music capabilities.

Which gets me to wondering.... Is there some way to control BTPLAY?  It would be nice to be able to tell it to skip a song, replay it, all those types of things...

Thanks... Nick

Re: Controlling BTPLAY...

Not from a widget.

The mechanism that the Control Panel currently uses to manage btplay is completely changing in the next firmware release, at which point, I'll try to document it.

Each of the music source screens could certainly expose that level of control to the extent a source allows it - obviously replay, skip, etc won't work with, say, SHOUTcast.  Product Management may wish to revisit these screens to see if there's more we should be doing there.

Re: Controlling BTPLAY...

If I angle the mirrors right, I think I should be able to talk to perl from a widget.  But if you folks are going to be redoing it I won't bother messing around at this time...

I will point out that stopping the current widget, getting to the control panel, getting to the music panel.. just to skip a song is a lot of navigation...

Re: Controlling BTPLAY...


I noticed that you documented the additions to Flash to allow it to control BTPLAY.

Is there someplace that documents BTPLAY itself and what commands it will accept?  I really like the whole widget concept (even the ads can be interesting at times.. so I don't object to them), so I don't want to redo the control panel.  But I would like to be able to write a "privileged" widget, or at least a widget that could access scripts on the chumby to do other things.
