1 (edited by bdurbin 2008-01-11 23:52:57)

Topic: how to keep chumbyflashplayer.x from looping?

When I play a video (in a .swf file) with chumbyflashplayer.x, it loops when it gets to the end.  Is there any way to make it exit the process instead of repeating?  I tried to put a fscommand("quit"); action at the end of the movie, but this didn't help.  However, I could have very well screwed it up as I am a complete Flash noob.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Re: how to keep chumbyflashplayer.x from looping?

Got it.  It seems there is a -Q option (which I didn't see when I used the -h help) that will have chumbyflashplayer.x exit when it is done playing the .swf.  I am guessing chumbyflashplayer.x knows that it is done playing the flash file when it hits the fscommand("quit") action.

Anyway, I found this in the start_opening_anim script.  Hope that helps.