Topic: Chumby Widget that displays messages posted to a Web Service

Thanks to the support I've received here, I've got my second Widget working.

Essentially it allows my friend to go to a web site, and type in a message  (like, "Meet me at 8pm" or "You are dumb"). The Chumby widget then does nothing more than displays the last five messages.

I implemented this using PHP/mySQL on the Apache web server I have running on a spare Mac.
The Chumby widget I authored using the free FlashDevelop tools.

I know it's horribly basic, but I was new to Flash, PHP and mySQL, so I'm pleased to get it working, and I'm happy to share the details.

Re: Chumby Widget that displays messages posted to a Web Service


I would be interested in seeing your code.  I've done a few widgets in FlashDevelop just so I could learn some actionscript, so it would be cool to see what you put together.  I also posted some notes on the Flash Sandbox that the Chumby needs to play in and how to expand on it that might be of interest to you if you haven't already gotten some of that down.


Re: Chumby Widget that displays messages posted to a Web Service


I put what I learnt here on my website:

http://www.ambientinformationappliances … humby.html

I'd love to help contribute to the wiki if I had anything useful to say!