Topic: Proxy server for sites with no crossdomain.xml

I wrote my first Chumby widget last weekend, a Picasa image viewer, only to find once it was ready to go that google has no crossdomain.xml on their site, so my widget can't get the media that it needs.  I talked to the author of the publicly-available Picasa widget, and he said that he is proxying all requests for Picasa data through his personal hosting account.  This approach obviously does not scale well.

It would seem to be in Chumby's best interests to make available a proxy server that will proxy requests to sites like picasa that do not provide a crossdomain.xml.  You could restrict access to only Chumby devices, and either open it for all sites, or at least have an approved whitelist of sites, and accept requests from Chumby developers to add more.  A service like this would make it much easier for Chumby widgets to flourish.

Thanks for your consideration.

Re: Proxy server for sites with no crossdomain.xml

See this thread:
Solved my crossdomain problems.