Topic: Car navigation system

How about using the Chumby as a car navigation system. Use one USB port to store map information and application, the other for the GPS receiver (via Bluetooth, USB to serial to GPS receiver, or direct attached GPS receiver), port one of the open source navigations apps (like Roadnav,, finally the power, which could be taken care of by a cigarette adapter. I can see where the Chumby can sit nicely over the car dashboard :-)

Re: Car navigation system

Cool Idea, my Explorer's Dashboard does have a Chumby Sized holder above the Sterio

Re: Car navigation system

How about using one of the two USB ports for a 3G broadband adapter (EVDO, HSDPA, etc) and stream music as well? No need to pay for XM or Sirius. We would have to find a way to connect the GPS to the Chumby via some other serial port, which at this time is not exposed.

Re: Car navigation system

I think that for what you would pay in 3G fees that it would be cheaper to subscribe to sirius or XM...  not to mention the skippage every time you switch towers

Re: Car navigation system

Sure, I was making the assumption that this would be practical for someone with 3G and unlimited data plan already on their phone, otherwise it would obviously not be cost effective.