Topic: Building Application Binaries on the Chumby

I see that it is required to install the GNU Toolkit on a Linux box and building the package, I was wondering if you can skip the middle man(The PC) and complie on the chumby direclty (Via SSH)?

Re: Building Application Binaries on the Chumby

Well, you'd have to crosscompile the entire GNU toolchain for ARM  - possible but difficult.

Re: Building Application Binaries on the Chumby

Duane wrote:

Well, you'd have to crosscompile the entire GNU toolchain for ARM  - possible but difficult.

I think this has been done , In theory can I just drop it on a FlashDrive and use t, corect

Re: Building Application Binaries on the Chumby

No, those appear to be cross-compilers - they're hosted on other platforms (Windows, Linux x86 and MacOS), but produce ARM binaries.  You'd need to compile the compiler with one of those to produce a native Linux ARM compiler.

I believe the toolchain we provide is a bit more up to date than the ones they provide on that site anyway.