Topic: Confirm and Modal Screens: Timeout... ???

Hello: I setup my Chumby with 2 alarms each day, to put it in and out of Night Mode- not for any other reason. Generally, I *love* the improvements with the Beta Control Panel.

Biggest Kavetch tho: when my alarm goes off, I'm frequently not home... so for many hours, the Chumby has the same confirm or modal screen on display. Could I recommend perhaps making that screen timeout after, say, 5 minutes, and then default to showing whatever the primary button would enact?

Screen burnout, and just general annoyance, are my two biggest pain-points with this.

smile n

Re: Confirm and Modal Screens: Timeout... ???

Oop- just noticed the new(ish) "Beta" category thingy- will repost, there. big_smile