1 (edited by hanzo 2007-12-16 11:06:37)

Topic: BUG (Minor): /www/cgi-bin/ : Scripts don't properly execute

This was caught and fixed before (and better!): http://forum.chumby.com/viewtopic.php?id=966

I noticed that when I ran the "wifi" script from the built-in webserver it displayed  a lot of <pre> tags for no good reason, I dug a little deeper and discovered that for some reason (??) my browser wasn't receiving the full output.

System Specifics: Mac OS X, Safari 3

View bug by going to http://your.chumby.ip/cgi-bin/wifi

I was able to "correct" the bug by duplicating the file in /www/cgi-bin/wifi to /www/cgi-bin/custom/wifi
I then used "vi" to insert the following on line 2:
echo ""

Thus changing the script (in it's whole) to:

echo ""                                                                         
echo "<html><head>"                                                             
echo "<title>Chumby Wireless Status</title>"                                   
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"5\";>"                             
echo "</head>"                                                                 
echo "<body>"                                                                   
echo "<h4>Wireless Stats</h4>"                                                 
echo "<pre>"                                                                   
iwconfig rausb0 |grep -v "Encryption key:"                                     
echo "</pre>"                                                                   
echo "<pre>"                                                                   
cat /proc/net/wireless                                                         
echo "</pre>"                                                                   
echo "</body></html>"

going to http://your.chumby.ip/cgi-bin/custom/wifi  shows the "correct" output.

Same solution for "memstats"