Topic: Jinzora

Hi guys,

I finally got my chumby, and am pretty excited to get to playin wink I co-run a web based media streaming program called Jinzora. We have a few interfaces for streaming playback as well as jukebox control. I want to get to work on a chumby interface soon, and if anyone is interested in helping I'd be happy to have it.

Ultimately, I want to be able to integrate a Jinzora backend with the music button on the control panel, as well as the alarm clock. I don't know how feasible this is yet- I just got my baby yesterday smile

Re: Jinzora

Not sure if it makes more sense to post here or on the jinzora boards, but either way..

I finally got around to playing with Jinzora+Chumby. I've only done it via SSH, but it works perfectly with btplay. You can cut and paste a url and use btplay to play it:

btplay ""

So it's time to do some real work..

There are 2 things that should be worth doing.. First, Jinzora has a jukebox component to let you play things on a slimserver, vlc, or mpd-based device. There could be a 'Chumby' jukebox to send music straight to the guy.

The second and more important one is to make Jinzora show up in the music channel. I have 0 flash skills, which is really too bad. It's probably best to do this in some way that allows other media-based webapps to work too. We have a REST-like API that can easily be extended to send things like playlist information and genre information.  We can also add a call that gets a random MP3 or playlist given some parameters (genre, recently added, etc)

If anyone is interested in working on this, let me know. If not, I'll head back to the jinzora forums and work from there. If you want to play, I recommend checking out the Jz3 branch or better yet, an SVN snapshot.

Re: Jinzora

I haven't enough knowledge about flash to be of help, but I have an interest in seeing this happen.

It would be lovely to be able to select and/or build playlists on the chuby - that goes for slimserver too.

It's frustrating to have to go to the console on a machine in another room (on the other side of the house) to change which playlist is playing...

Re: Jinzora

Well, with the 2.6.51 beta control panel and the latest Jinzora SVN, there should be a decent way to use the two involving playlists. I haven't been able to test it yet because my chumby is all the way across the country sad But here's what should work:

1) In jinzora, make a playlist (either dynamic or static).
2) Visit the playlist manager and find your playlist.
3) Copy the URL for the link 'Play this list'

4) On your chumby, we'll add a stream. It's easier to do while SSHed, because the URLs can be quite long and tedious on that touchscreen. But to get a template, go to 'My Streams' and add one. You can edit the name and URL later, but select 'm3u' as the type.
5) SSh into your chumby and edit /psp/url_streams. Set the stream name and URL here. ** Be sure to replace all instances of & with & , as this is an xml file **
6) At the end of the URL, add the following:


for your username and password. That should be it! It should work, and I'll know for sure when I get back to my chumbo.

Re: Jinzora

Thanks - that's helpful - I would really like to see a bit more of a remote control type interface in the future (like skip forward/backward, play/pause/stop)

But your suggestion (combined with the addition in the new control panel of My Streams) is an excellent step forward.

I was exploring the URL_Streams file last night, and found that the one stream that I had added via the chumby interface had a UID associated with it, and a long hex contained as the value.  Is it ok, do you think, to leave that field out entirely in my SSH edited version of the file?  I totally agree that keying in streams via the interface would be super tedious.

(Maybe another avenue to revenue would be making an additional web interface on to edit/add personal streams, while having your typical web ads, or better google style ads on that page.)  At the very least a web interface on would be super.

Re: Jinzora

Yeah, having a page to edit the streams would be great. I don't know if that UID is necessary, which is why I added a placeholder entry via the chumby interface and edited it later. We'd have to check with Duane or someone else..

Player controls would be really great, especially for an M3U. I still want to make a complete, browseable interface  for Jinzora over the Chumby. I've been working on the Jinzora-side API and I have a friend who's great with Flash who might be able to help out. I don't know about control panel integration though..

Re: Jinzora

Your best bet is to create a REST API and publish it and we'll see what it takes to integrate it.  An example Flash movie using the API would be helpful, but not necessary.

At that point, it's a matter of hammering out an agreement - we'll want explicit permission to use the API and any branding you might have, as well as some assurance that the service will be reliable and that we're indemnified on any potential legal issues.

Re: Jinzora

Hi Duane,

Thanks for the reply. I could make a REST-like API no problem. Jinzora is usually run on a webserver local to the user, and we wouldn't want to require them to use something like mod_rewrite to get things running, so it may be an ugly REST syntax wink

Also, because it's a locally run app, we don't really have much to say in terms of the reliability of the service, other than our updates. I was really hoping to get some development done that could act as a bridge for any media directory service that wants to play on the chumby. MP3Act and Ampache are other possible open-source choices who could generate some very simple API and XML format that a Chumby can support.

9 (edited by bdodson 2007-12-27 20:41:24)

Re: Jinzora

Here's the status:

* The m3us aren't quite working in the current beta, but should work in the next thanks to Duane.

* I made a very basic xml-based API to see if it catches any interest. You can demo it at: … ass=chumby

It's a basic XML file of nodes. Nodes can have any of the following attributes:
play: a URL of a playable link
browse: a URL for another XML file of the same format

Re: Jinzora

Good news- the latest software update is working with a Jinzora playlist. You can add an entry in 'My Streams' for your playlist and all should go well. I made a short, randomized wakeup playlist for my alarm.

Thanks Duane smile