Topic: Suggestions after a week's use using the Chumby as my bedside alarm

These may have been posted before, so apologies if I'm reiterating the need for anything.  This is coming from the point of view of someone who's looking for a slightly more functional bedside alarm clock.  Unfortunately a few basics seem to have been overlooked.  Sorry if any of this sounds gruff, but this $179 clock is meant to replace my old $10 one and is missing on a couple key points.

-The night mode clock's numbers are far too small to see.  I'm only 27, and without my glasses (which I'm not wearing when I'm laying in bed sleeping, which is the only time night mode would be used) I can't make out the numbers on the clock when I'm more than about a foot and a half from the clock (which means I have to partially get up to see the time).  Very frustrating.  There's PLENTY of room to make them bigger without the screen getting noticeably brighter.  I can read the standard "Blue Digital Clock"s time without my glasses.

-Have the "Blue Digital Clock" as well as the night mode display what alarms are set.  The question, "Did I set my alarm?" isn't one I want to answer by having to get up and hit 5 buttons since most people asking this question are already going to be tired (which makes for a reduced tolerance).

-The day of the week and date on the "Blue Digital Clock" would be nice.  I understand that this is just a widget, but I'd consider this your flagship widget, which although it looks nice, really should be fully functional.  The "Digital Clock" widget is too plain and the "Fashion Clock" is too annoying to read.  Alarm settings should be on here, too.

-Try and recommend that all flash programs have a clock in the upper right, or make it so you can have a permanent clock layered over the upper right corner of whatever flash is currently on screen.  I think anyone who uses this as their exclusive bedroom clock could see the benefit in this.  It's nice to see the news, but when I'm getting dressed for work, having to stand across the room staring at the news for 30 seconds when all I want to know is the time is just a waste of it.

-Timer for the night settings.  Day by day would be nice, too, but even just a "Night mode on at: X:XX off at X:XX" would do.

-Support for playing MP3s directly off of USB drives right in the chumby software.  I know that this is possible, but I do enough coding for work and don't want to have to do it on my off time, too.

-YouTube videos very choppy until go into control panel.  Come right out of the control panel and they're fine.  Its almost as if there's no ability for them to buffer, yet my wifi is more than fast enough where the chumby is located and the video stream never catches up, so I'm not sure what this would be.
