Topic: register with local dns

is there a way for the chumby to register it's name with local dns when requesting an ip through dhcp? then i don't have to worry about what ip address it grabbed on boot-up.

Re: register with local dns

anyone? smile

Re: register with local dns

The chumby doesn't know its name until the server tells it when it authorizes.

Re: register with local dns

couldn't the chumby renew its dhcp lease after it has been authorized, sending the name as part of the release/renew request?

i realize not everyone would care about this, so perhaps whether or not to renew the lease after authorization could be controlled by some kind of flag/manual configuration.

Re: register with local dns

The chumby does broadcast a zeroconf (aka "Bonjour") beacon if you have an operating system or utility that can look for it.  On a Mac, that's easy - Safari will list all chumbys on the network in the "Bonjour" bookmar\k bar.

Re: register with local dns

i'm using a linksys router w/ dd-wrt installed that is handling all of this (dns, dhcp) for me - perhaps there is some way i can configure it to listen for the beacon.