1 (edited by wayn3w 2007-11-22 08:04:34)

Topic: Programmatically change channels?

Is there a utility, script, URL or otherwise that would allow a script to change the channel on the Chumby? I'm looking really for a local solution, something that can run from the chumby itself.  But I'm not opposed to using wget within the script.


Re: Programmatically change channels?

yes - a URL that's served from Chumby's HTTP server that'd expose some device controls would be excellent.

I'm working on a widget that shows the current track playing on my custom-programmed MP3 jukebox.... if I could affect Chumby with HTTP calls, I could open that widget when the MP3 server starts playing, then turn it off after playback ends.

Re: Programmatically change channels?

What I'd like to do is have the Chumby detect the proximity of individuals and change the channel to the person's preferred channel (or the default, if no one is nearby).   I can see the detection done a couple of ways, but there still would be a need to change the channel programmatically.  Is there a way to do this?


Re: Programmatically change channels?


Yes please! I would be great to do an event driven channel change... like to show caller id - as the phone is ringing.

5 (edited by ih8gates 2007-12-13 17:58:05)

Re: Programmatically change channels?

wayn3w wrote:

What I'd like to do is have the Chumby detect the proximity of individuals and change the channel to the person's preferred channel (or the default, if no one is nearby).  wayn3w

if you could change the channel programatically, it wouldn't be too difficult to rig up a proximity sensor on an outside machine that pushed info to chumby. something like this. or just RFID and some 1-wire sensors.

Re: Programmatically change channels?

I'm adding an easter egg into the next Control Panel for this behavior.

What you'd do is put the name of the channel to which you want to change in "/tmp/change_profile" and it will change at the next widget transition or timeout.  Once the channel has successfully changed, the file will be deleted.

A hack, but there you go.

Re: Programmatically change channels?

Duane, thanks... even if it doesn't get implemented, I appreciate you considering it.

Re: Programmatically change channels?

Ditto, that opens up some cool possibilities.
