I like to wake up to nature sounds. There isn't a lot of that streaming. The great granddaddy of nature recordings, however, is:
I have no idea how to get stuff into and out of Live365. I'm not a fan. Frankly, I'm woefully unimpressed. Unfortunately, Wild Sanctuary uses it. Interestingly enough, they have this to say about their stream:
"To qualify for a free Wild Sanctuary player, inquire via email here.
For non-commerical use only. All rights reserved."
Which doesn't seem to jive with the whole "pay per month" Live365 model.
Their stream, once thrown into iTunes, is a disaster:
http://www.live365.com/play/335863?auth … p;from=pls
I got started throwing it into "my streams" to see what happens, but that whole "token" thing pretty much made me decide to not bother (that and typing the above on the Chumby screen is an exercise in "not fun").
Any hope? Wild Sanctuary might make a great "public service" partner for Chumby. Or maybe a widget from them. Or something. Again, I need to wrap my head around Flash so I stop asking stupid questions. In the meantime, thanks for humoring me.
Slave to the Light, Inc.
Los Angeles & Seattle USA