Topic: NOAA Weather (US) by dmaxwell not working

a few days ago the NOAA Weather (US) by dmaxwell widget stopped working.
Instead of data, its just overlaid with "undefined".

Is this fixable, or has this widget just reached the end of it's road?

Thanks -

Re: NOAA Weather (US) by dmaxwell not working

The app started working again -
Duane if you worked some Chumby magic to fix this - thank you -

Re: NOAA Weather (US) by dmaxwell not working

Yeah, something was wonky on one of the servers - it took me a little time to figure out, but for some reason, it was unable to make secure requests to other servers, I unclogged it. Lots of widgets should start working again.

Sorry about the issue.

Re: NOAA Weather (US) by dmaxwell not working

NOAA recently shut down the service that the NOAA widget was using.

I have replaced it with a new widget that uses an alternative service.  Basically, the old NOAA widget was renamed and new code uploaded, so there's nothing you have to do, it will switch over automatically.