Topic: Can I Safely Use The Chumby Sony Dash As An Alarm Clock?

As posted above, can I safely use the Chumby Sony Dash as an alarm clock? We get some power outages from time to time in my area. Does the Sony remember it's settings or does it have amnesia once it power cycles?

Re: Can I Safely Use The Chumby Sony Dash As An Alarm Clock?

It should remember the alarm settings upon reboot.

However, depending upon the order in which your household's networking devices come back online, it's possible that the dash powers up before your home network has been established, which could result in the dash not connecting to the network, and therefore not knowing the time.

Re: Can I Safely Use The Chumby Sony Dash As An Alarm Clock?

Thank you for the reply. I did just try power cycling my Chumby Sony Dash. It gets as far as the Network Configuration and waits for me to click Next. Am I doing something wrong? Can I somehow "save" the Network Configuration so that it doesn't ask me that each time it is power cycles?

Re: Can I Safely Use The Chumby Sony Dash As An Alarm Clock?

See if this fixes that issue:

5 (edited by Jim1348 2018-02-21 08:58:49)

Re: Can I Safely Use The Chumby Sony Dash As An Alarm Clock?

Thank you very much for that. I got a ways with this and then conscripted my 17 year old son to assist. It can now be power cycled and will re-establish connection on its own. While I really don't need to replace my existing alarm clock yet, it is great to know that this could be placed in service and I wouldn't worry if it lost power, other than if it was an extended outage!

The other thing that I was concerned about is what happens if it loses internet. It appears to me that at some point it will display a message that data connection is lost, but continues to work, as long as it has AC power.

Re: Can I Safely Use The Chumby Sony Dash As An Alarm Clock?

Right - the device will keep time and fire off alarms without the Internet, however the clock will eventually drift over an extended period.  I believe the dash will reset the clock once a day normally.  The drift varies by device, but generally isn't more than a second or two every couple of days.  A handful of the small chumby devices will sometimes get into a state where they drift more than that, but that doesn't seem to be an issue with the dash.